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YES Prep East End Secondary moves into their new home

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October 22, 2021


Hundreds of East End students, teachers and staff have a new school building to call home.

YES Prep East End Secondary, who has for the past 15 years provided a high-quality, college-prep education to children in Houston’s East End neighborhood, moved into their newly built campus at 8401 Lawndale St. on Wed., Oct. 20.

“The new building opens a new chapter for East End and way more opportunities for us,” YES Prep East End Student Council President Sarahy Ceja said.

The campus now will house middle and high school students under the same roof and includes a new gym, science and technology laboratories, art and music rooms, and a community park.

“I’m excited about the new gym,” freshman Israel Ortiz said. “And we get to have home games.”

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